Robot Upgrade Status Update

In a previous post, I mentioned Raspberry Pi projects as one of my recent challenges. I ordered parts to upgrade my robot gripper arm – full rebuild from top to bottom. Here’s a video update!

It’s still a work in progress so in the near future I’ll cover:

  • the parts I’ve used
  • the ones on order
  • approximate cost
  • how and why I arranged them the way I did
  • what worked or didn’t work
  • and what I could have done different

I’m amazed at how affordable the parts are if you’re starting from scratch. Granted, the bulk of the expense is in the tools and consumables. This project is crazy fun and educational at the same time! If you have kids, robotics is a great way to work together and learn something new!

Stay tuned, more to come soon!

Upcoming Content

After a long hiatus from writing, I’m back and working on some new content for the blog. I’ve had some great side projects to share very soon. There will be videos on my new YouTube channel, too! Plus, I haven’t forgotten about the driving piece I was working on previously and will post that soon, as well. Some of the recent shenanigans include:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Muscle sensor
  • Robot gripper arm
  • Breadboarding
  • Motion sensors
  • Much more

Remember to challenge yourself every day!